Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Beauty of University of Kelaniya.....

      The university of Kelaniya is a state university in Sri Lanka. The university has two major campuses, seven locations, seven faculties and four institutions. I am very happy to be a part of the university of Kelaniya because there are many resources that are available for the students to get a wonderful output at the end. We have to achieve our targets by using those resources. Learning is not the only thing that we should do in the university. We should enjoy our university life. We have to save good memories to remind in the future with our family and batch mates. We should be able to develop the value of  the university.

          Among all other universities in Sri Lanka our university gets a special place. That is it has filled in all the beautiful places and unforgettable things. When we talk about the beauty of the university it can describe in many ways. Look at the following points.

  • University of Kelaniya is consist in many beautiful and natural places. They are unforgettable places. As the students we are very lucky to be an undergraduate at University of Kelaniya because we can be satisfy by watching these wonderful places.

            There is a huge tree close to library called "Mee abha sewana". Many students do their studies by staying under that tree. That is a very matching place to do our studies by getting fresh air."IT gaha " is another best example.

        When we look at the past our past graduates were kept our university as it was. They have been loved our university. Look at the following picture. It was taken in 1978.

      Today we can see some of the new things have added. Above picture says thousand of words about our university.

  • The beauty of the University of Kelaniya is not only the natural beauty but also the beauty of  our capabilities. At the last convocation of  University of Kelaniya thousands of our undergraduates graduated as people who increased the beauty of our university.

          We are really proud of them because they are going to show their talents in the society as the responsibility our their university life.

  • And also our students have increased the beauty of our university by getting many victories. It a great honor to us. Following are some examples.

  1. Stylish Marketer 2016 - It is an inter university modeling show which is oganized by University of Kelaniya annualy. Last year out two of the students named as best modelers. 

       2. Biz Minds 2017 - It is an inter university Business Plan Competition organized by University of Kelaniya. As usual our university won in this year also. 

       3. Best Speaker 2016 - It is another one that showed our colors to the world. That is one of our undergraduate won the first place in the Best speaker competition. It is also on inter university competition.

  • Our students perform in many ways by doing sports. They won many competitions and games.It is another method to improve the beauty of University of Kelaniya. 

          I am not afraid to tell that I am an undergraduate at University of Kelaniya because it is a great proud to me.

      I promise to the mother of University of Kelaniya to collect more thing to the development of the beauty of my university. It is my responsibility. However I will do it. I love my university very much.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Let's work as a team..

        When we do something we try to do it from our best. For that purpose we should be expert in many ways. But as a single person I can't be expert in many ways. Sometimes it can be happened. But normally people are expert for limited areas. If we do something as a team we can achieved our goals easily because the members of the team may be expert for many fields. Therefore always we try to do a work as a team.

What is a team work ?
         A team work is not a simple thing. The success of the team work will be depended on the dedication of the team members. Otherwise it will be failed. All the members of the team should give their support for the success of the work that they are doing. When a work is done successfully by a team we called it as a "team work".

Let's find the spirit of the team works. In the PPD session we do many team works. As usual last week we did two team works. They are as follows ;

1. Expert game

        Expert game is kind of a different activity. We divided into five groups and madam is selected three persons who are expert in many fields from each group. It can be sports, music, arts, dancing, IT and etc. Then the three persons shared their expert areas with us and we had to come up with a new idea which is a blended one of above three ideas. That was really interesting. Many teams presented their new ideas to the audience and they are amazing.

2. Pen & thread game

        Another activity that is done by us is called "pen & thread game". It is difficult to do. We got a pen and a twist. We had to write letters by using the pen and the twist. We can't touch the pen. We can touch only the twist. However we had to write letters on the given paper in the given time period. All the team members gave their fully support to do that. We could write only two letters. But it was a great victory.

What are the outcomes of the team works ?
      We could develop following skills as a team rather than doing a work as a single.
  • Time management
  • Team bond
  • Presentation skills
  • Decision making
  • Creativity
  • Leadership & etc
 Therefore our aim should be " Let's work as a team and win ".......................

Monday, July 3, 2017

Get ready to be the best....

               As the students who are studying at universities we study many many important things that will be rolled in the society. Usually we are busy with our studies and we try to get our degree successfully. But if we have a relief we can enjoy our studies properly. Fortunately we have ''PPD" for that purpose. PPD stands for Personal Progress Development. We have so many activities to get so many advantages and we can drawback our weaknesses. Actually we did so many activities and we have to so many things in the future. So we are waiting for them.
             We got many advantages from PPD. Following are some advantages.
  • Got knowledge to do an activity as a group
  • Should respect for all the ideas of the team members when we work as a group.
  • Got a chance to correct our weaknesses by ourselves.
  • Knowledge about food & nutrition.
  • Good habits for our lives.
  • Time management.
  • Decision making.
  • How to write emails properly.
  • Reduce fear to speak in an audience 
          Likewise we got so many good points for our lives.

Following are some activities that we were doing in the PPD session.

   Bling Polygon

                        Above activity was so interesting. We had to make a shape by a rope. Our eyes had been closed. We did it as a team activity. The only thing that we could do was "talking and hearing". So we tried to do our best. We should trust in the person who was next to me.That is a very good point. 

Marshi Land
                     this activity is an outdoor activity. We had to work as a team. There was a land called     " Marshi land " and there was a bucket that was filled with water in the land. We had to bring the water bucket without falling down the water. We had ropes for that purpose. Our team did it properly and that activity had filled with curiosity. When we do something we should think about it again and again before doing that. That is the result of "Marshi Land" Activity.

Strew & cotton

                            We did that activity by using a stew and a piece of cotton. We did it as a team. We had to put the cotton at the air by blowing air ourselves using the strew. That activity was very funny. We enjoyed it very much. All the members of the team should support for doing that work.

SWOT Analysis
                         This is an another activity that we did in the class. Look at following video.
So we can identify that SWOT analysis is very important to our lives. So we should increase our strategies and opportunities. And also we should decrease our weaknesses and threats.

                                    H.S.K. De Silva
                                                                 UG (Bsc. In software engineering)